Hobbies and Interests

My Favorite Web Sites
The Trip.com
Greatest Places
Real Space Viewer
Web Voyeur
Time cast
Great Cities of Europe
Live cams Worldwide
Vrml World
Earth and Moon viewer
Live Nasa Cams
The Trip.com Track any commercial flight in process, both visually and by text.
Timecast.com  Timecast is a guide to hundreds of  audio, video and live events on the Web. Check the daily listings to sit in on interviews, concerts and news broadcasts as they are happening.
VRML World This site includes a great variety of examples of 3D, animation and virtual reality technologies. Favorites include the virtual objects that can be picked up, moved into the distance or foreground, and turned around in space.
Greatest Places Use multimedia to visit interesting places around the world, Amazon, Greenland, Madagascar, and Tibet through songs, images, sounds, video clips and virtual reality.
Great Cities of Europe This site offers multimedia views of European cities such as Munich, Germany, with its castles and museums with films, photographs, audio and virtual reality experiences.
The Earth and Moon viewer This is an outstanding and unbelievable example of the complex multimedia experiences becoming possible online. the simulation allows you to 'stand' on various bodies on the solar system and look back at the earth and moon For example, you can get a real-time view from scores of satellites, and see continents, polar ice caps, sunrise and sunset as the satellite circles the earth.
Steview.com This is a friend of mine's web site who is very knowledgeable in the realm of HTML. You will find his site very educational. He also has and outstanding collection of web designing tools like backgrounds and gif libraries over 20,000 I believe.
MTV.com This site is good when you want a little bit of that special sound your looking for in your home web site. I specially like the band A-Z archive.


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